© 2024 Home Office Bearers Past Masters

These pages contain information concerning our Brethren, including our current Office bearers and our Past Masters here at Albert Halls as well as our previous home at Weavers Hall.


Please, take a look at the poetry of our late Bro. David Taylor who was very well know for producing his books to raise much need funds for Charity.


Our very own Bro Duncan Erskine , PM,  received his Provincial Grand Senior Warden's Regalia after 21 years of service to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire... congrats Dunc!


Our very own Bro Syd Rollo, PM and  Secretary of Lodge Albert 448 for over 23 years has been appointed Provincial Grand Secretary from 2008.


Our own Bro Peter Taylor, PM, took over the reigns as Provincial Grand Secretary for the Province of Forfarshire from June 2010.


On the evening of the Lodge Installation, 30th November 2013, Bro Syd Rollo, PM, was honoured by the Grand Lodge of Scotland by being invested by the Provincial Grand Master of Scotland, Bro Sandy Christie, as Honorary Grand Senior Deacon. Many congratulations Syd!


On the 27th November 2020, the Master of Lodge Albert Lochee 448, Bro Duncan Erskine, PM, was awarded the rank of Honorar Grand Almoner of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Congratulations Dunc! Well deserved! 


On the 5th February 2021, Grand Committee met and confirmed the following appointment as Provincial Grand Master – PGL Forfarshire – Brother Peter Taylor, PM. Our heartiest congratulations go to Brother Taylor, who's commission will run from the 10th June 2021.


On the 27th November 2020, the Master of Lodge Albert Lochee 448, Bro Duncan Erskine, PM, was awarded the rank of Honorary Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Congratulations Dunc! Well deserved! 


On the 16th March 2022, Bro. Bert Clapperon, PM. was awarde the Rank of Honorary Grand Architect of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Many congratulations Bert!


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Jokes page - 'A Funny Thing....'