© 2021 Home Brethren


In 2003 Bro David Taylor celebrated 60 years in Freemasonry and has been writing fine poetry for many years. He has produced several booklets and published countless poems all of which have been sold to raise £000s for charity.

Bro David has also been honoured by the Lodge as Lodge Bard and by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Forfarshire as Honorary Provincial Grand Bard

Here are a couple of his poems and there are still some books of poems for sale!

Look here for other poetry. Please use the contacts page if you have poetry that you would like 'published' on our site.

Bro. David Taylor



Hae ye ever been tae Lochee in the Spring

When the daffies are in bloom an’ blackbirds sing

When the winos re-appear

Wi’ their cans o’ export beer

An’ their bottles for that extra bitty zing?


Hae ye ever been tae Lochee in mid-June

When the banks o’ Lukie’s Burn’s a mass o’broom

When the salmon an’ the troot

Try the best tae loup richt oot

O’ the burn’s stagnant water an’ perfume?


Hae ye ever been tae Lochee in the fall

When the local vandals haud their annual ball

When the vandal o’ the year

In his studded leather gear

Gets the honour tae start ca’ing doon the hall?


Hae ye ever seen the Lochee pubs “come oot”

An’ the stragglers get the “order-o’-the-boot”?

Well aince it’s been conferred

Their choirs can aye be heard

Sing the sangs that gie Lochee her ill-repute.


So’se tae be upsides wi’ Hulltoon an’ Dundee

The Lochee Cooncil jined the E.E.C.

Noo tourists wha gang there

A’ gae hame wi’ their share

O’ fags an’ wine an spirits duty free. top↑


Just a quiet little lodge-room,
But a mighty force for good;
With its loyal band of members
Learning more of brotherhood;

Striving, stumbling, but progressing
Down a pathway toward the right;
Just a humble bunch of plain folks,
Reaching, seeking for the light.

Just a quiet little lodge-room
How it stirs the heart and soul
With the thrill of great endeavor
Toward a high and common goal;

With each pledge of faith and courage
To maintain the forward fight,
On the road that leads them onward
Ever onward to the light!  top↑